Australian Government Research Training Program for Domestic and International Students
Research Training Program
Course(s) Offered: Any discipline
Course Level: Research (masters, phd)
Provider: Govt of Australia
Country to Study in: Australia
Scholarship Description
The Australian Government now funds scholarships for domestic and international students undertaking research doctorate and research masters degrees at eligible Australian universities through the Research Training Program (RTP).
On 31 December 2016 the International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS) ceased and was replaced by the Research Training Program (RTP) from 1 January 2017. All IPRS students transitioned to RTP scholarships from 1 January 2017.
The RTP provides block grants, on a calendar year basis, to higher education providers (HEPs) to support both domestic and overseas students undertaking Research Doctorate and Research Masters degrees, known as higher degrees by research (HDRs). The Research Training Program (RTP) scheme is administered by individual universities on behalf of Australia's Department of Education and Training.
To be eligible for a RTP Stipend, RTP Fees Offset or RTP Allowance a student must be a domestic student or an overseas student enrolled in an accredited HDR course of study at an Australian HEP.
To be eligible for a RTP Stipend a student must not be receiving income from another source to support that student’s general living costs while undertaking their course of study if that income is greater than 75 per cent of that student’s RTP Stipend rate. Income unrelated to the student’s course of study or income received for the student’s course of study but not for the purposes of supporting general living costs is not to be taken into account.
To be eligible for a RTP Fees Offset a student must not be receiving an equivalent award or scholarship from the Commonwealth designed to offset HDR fees.
Eligible groups
Citizens of ALL countries
Participating Institutions
Eligible Australian higher education providers (HEPs) - universities and other institutions of higher learning
Fields of study
Higher degree courses available via research -- postgraduate research masters and research doctorate degree courses.
Information on commencing a postgraduate research degree and university courses can be found on the Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching website.
Number of awards
Several, but not specified
Sponsorship duration
RTP scholarships are available for a maximum period of two years for a research masters.
RTP scholarships are available for a research doctorate degree for a minimum of three years, up to a maximum of four years, at the discretion of the HEP.
Scholarship benefits
Australian government funding is provided through annual block grants to eligible Australian HEPs in accordance with section 46-20 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003. Students can be offered RTP scholarships for one or more of the following:
- tuition fees offset
- stipend for general living costs
- allowances related to the ancillary cost of research degrees.
RTP scholarships are available to domestic and overseas students enrolled in an accredited HDR course at an Australian HEP. The application, selection and offers processes for awarding RTP Scholarships, including any classes of students, are published by HEPs each year. Contact your HEP of choice.
Applications for a RTP Scholarships need to be made directly to participating universities.Each university has its own application and selection process, please contact your chosen university directly to discuss how to apply for the RTP scheme.
Information on commencing a postgraduate research degree and university courses can be found on the Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching website. Please contact the university directly for all specific information.
Most Australian universities have two semesters a year, but some have three trimesters. Semester 1 usually runs from February – June; while Semester 2 runs from July – November. You need to contact your university of choice well ahead of these times.
The deadline for applications varies among universities but is generally from May until Octobereach year. Please contact specific institutions for their specific deadlines.
The process for determining the basic RTP grant amount for a higher education provider can be found in Research Block Grants – Calculation Methodology.
Each year, the range for RTP stipend rates for the following year will be announced by 1 October. The RTP stipend rate range is effective from 1 January. Visit the official website (via link below) for details of current and recent RTP stipend rates. For more information, email with "RTP" as the subject line.
Application Deadline: May -October 2017
Open to International Applicants: Yes
Australian Government Research Training Program for Domestic and International Students
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