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Scholarship: ACI Foundation Scholarships for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Study in USA and Canada

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ACI Foundation Scholarships

Course(s) Offered: Concrete-related (Engineering, Architecture, etc)
Course Level: Undergraduate, Graduate
Provider: ACI Foundation
Country to Study in: USA, Canada

Scholarship Description
Every year, the American Concrete Institute (ACI) Foundation offers scholarships for eligible undergraduate and graduate students whose studies relate to concrete. 

Unlike ACI Fellowships, those applying for ACI scholarships do not need to be nominated by ACI-Member Faculty. Applications will be accepted from anywhere in the world but study must take place in the United States or Canada during the award year.

In an effort to provide students worldwide with the connections, resources, and opportunities to be successful in their studies and - ultimately - in their careers, ACI has made membership free and easily accessible... electronically (Student E-Membership).

ACI Foundation Scholarships and Fellowships can be awarded to anyone in the world; however, you must attend a U.S. or Canadian university during the award year.

Some of the Fellowships expect the awardee to complete a 10- to 12-week internship the summer prior to beginning the award year.

All applicants must be proficient in the English language. If English is not your native language, a written statement must be attached to this application attesting this proficiency. 

To be eligible for an ACI Foundation Graduate Scholarship, you must be in your first or second year of graduate study during the award year.

To be eligible for the Undergraduate scholarship, the applicant must be a full-time undergraduate at the time of applying for and receiving the scholarship. Course work during a summer session will count toward the degree year.

Eligible groups
Citizens of ANY country from ANY part of the world

Participating Institutions
All accredited institutions of higher learning in the United States of America and/or Canada

Fields of study
All studies and courses relating to concrete and/or concrete technology, and the pursuit of a career in concrete. The list of approved programs are as listed on the official website via link provided below.

Sponsorship duration
These awards are onetime financial supports for a ONE YEAR period 
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Scholarship benefits
The educational stipend is paid in two equal installments over the course of one year directly to the student to cover expenses related to tuition, room and board, books, student fees, etc. Receipt of stipends is contingent upon attendance at scheduled ACI Conventions during the award year. 

Method of Application
A single online application form will be used for all the fellowships and scholarships. After answering four questions, the form will automatically display the fellowships and scholarships for which you are eligible. All requested requirements shall be met for all transcript submissions. Transcripts must be in English or accompanied by a version translated in English. Transcripts should be mailed directly from the university. Transcripts mailed by the student must be sealed in an envelope with a university stamp over the seal. 

Many universities now provide official E-Transcripts. ACI Foundation will accept this form of transcript, if it comes directly from your University with an official digital signature or stamp to ACI Foundation will not accept E-Transcripts sent directly from an applicant’s e-mail address. Review and acceptance of E-Transcripts will be at the discretion of the Scholarship Coordinator.

It is important to visit the official website (link to it is below) for complete information on how to apply.

The deadline for 2018-2019 application submission is 11:59 p.m. EST on November 3, 2017.

ACI staff do not contact applicants upon receipt of their application materials or contact applicants if materials are missing from submittals. All applicants can be withdrawn for failure to comply with any of these items listed above and on the official website.

Both the ACI Foundation Scholarships and the ACI Foundation Fellowships are offered by the American Concrete Institute (ACI) Foundation for ACI Student Members and E-Members. Its basic mission has been and still is to “Provide knowledge and information for the best use of concrete.” 

Application Deadline: 3 November 2017
Open to International Students: Yes

More Scholarship Information and Application(Undergraduates)
More Scholarship Information and Application(Postgraduates)

Scholarship: ACI Foundation Scholarships for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Study in USA and Canada Reviewed by Admin on 5:35 AM Rating: 5

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